Knowing... ST
Stefan Ternemar is ST, and ST is the composer of one of the best electro-pop albums of 2007, "People I Barely Know". Brilliant melodies grown from involving atmospheres for our delight.
Maybe he is quite unknown here in Spain, for this reason, and although he doesn´t like talking about himself, A Letter For The Stars has done some questions to him. Here are his answers.
(Go to the Spanish version/Ir a la versión en castellano)
Hi Stefan! How is ST?
I'm fine, thank you.
Have you ever been in Spain?
To start with, could you tell us how do you decide to create the ST´s project?
It just happened.
And how about the creative process of "People I Barely Know"? How is your typical song created?
I ain't that creative to be honest. it's more a matter or trail and error. Making a song is often an frustrating experience.
Your music is a mix of styles so it is difficult to talk only about electronic or pop music, how would you define your sound? Could be computer pop?
Either you like or you don't.
Beautiful melodies grow from every song of the record, how important are vocals for you?
The voice is an instrument like any other. But vocals can make a good song great in some wierd way.One of the best songs of the album is the opening title "I´ll Meet You There", could you tell us something about this song? What is your favourite track?
My fav is probably "I'll meet you there". I borrowed a crappy guitar and recorded a riff just to test a microphone. That was the fist time I had ever recorded guitar for personal use. And in some way that test recording ended up being a great track. You never know when you will struck gold.
Is difficult for you to develop your music ideas in live shows?
If it where easy I would be on tour right now!
How are your main musical influences? What sounds in ST´s music player?
Everything from Aphex Twin to Postal Service.
What do you think about the incredible Swedish music scene? What is different in Sweden?
What incredible music scene are you talking about?
"People I Barely Know" makes people experience a great deal of feelings, what non-musical influences went into the making of the album?
I really don't know.
Could you tell us your future plans?
Get a new mobile studio setup and go on tour!
Finally, could you tell us "A Letter For The Stars" in Swedish?
Ett brev för sjärnorna.
That´s the end of the interview, thanks for all and I hope we could see you in a live show in Valencia.
"Debut" Video
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